Book Reviews

To propose a review, please contact our book review editor Veronica Marie Pérez.

Please submit your manuscript with a short (1-3 sentences), third-person bio in the comment section. For all submissions, please ensure that you do not include your name or other identifying information on your submission attachment. We reserve First North American electronic serial rights only; all rights revert back to the author upon publication. We ask that any reprints include the acknowledgment of first publication in The Headlight Review. THR does not offer compensation for regular publication.

Book reviews should be between 400 and 800 words written in MLA style. When quoting from the book, cite the page number in parentheses directly after the quote. Please include a “works cited” line for the book (e.g., “Smith, Joe. A Great Book. Penguin, 2023.).  


  • Include a brief synopsis of the book and its place in the writer’s oeuvre. 

  • The review should also consider the book’s place in larger context and offer an honest (but not overly hostile) critique. 

  • The reviewer may comment on the book’s factuality concerning historical or cultural content or significance, but, again, not overly hostile in nature.  

  • Include a statement about whether you would or would not recommend the book. Support your claim thoughtfully. 


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