Letter from the Editor

Dear reader,

Our inaugural issue, “The Journey,” sought to illuminate our path as we embarked on a new chapter of The Headlight Review. We started out as a class project, and after many years of groundwork and a much-needed rebranding, we published our first issue in December of 2022. Subsequently, much of our staff graduated or moved on, and The Headlight Review was left in new hands. We began the journey all over again, but this time the destination, though obscured by quite a few roadblocks, was in sight.

As I’ve wrapped up my first issue with The Headlight Review, I am feeling mostly gratitude. I would like to thank our staff for their work on this issue and our faculty advisors, Andrew Plattner and Kurt Milberger, for their guidance. But most of all I would like to thank our writers, who have stuck with us through our staff changes, publication delays, and many, many email exchanges. To our writers, I am so grateful for your trust in us to handle your stories with care and for your faith in our up-and-coming publication. I would also like to thank the writers whose pieces were not chosen for this issue. As a writer, I know all too well how difficult it is to surrender your work to the publishing industry, which can be cruel much more often than it is rewarding. Thank you for considering us to publish your work. 

I am so proud to present our new issue, the culmination of six months of hard work and so many talented writers. We have some wonderful pieces in this issue, crafted by writers from all over the world. While Volume I, Issue I highlighted our journey, Volume I, Issue II celebrates the destination itself, that moment when you round that last corner and put your car in park. When you can finally let out that breath you’ve been holding for the duration of the drive because, finally, you’re here. To our readers, I hope you find something you love at this spot where we’ve completed our ride and that you’ll consider joining us on our next expedition.


Brittany Files, Managing Editor

Brittany Files — Managing Editor

Brittany Files is a writer and graduate of Florida State University, where she double majored in Creative Writing and Media/Communication Studies. In undergrad, she maintained a successful column with the FSU chapter of Her Campus and published poetry with The Kudzu Review. She is currently pursuing her master’s degree in Professional Writing at Kennesaw State University.


O is for Orangutan, C is for Cleopatra


Editor’s Note